Tips on how to plan out all your goals for the year...

For the team here at Sudor, the first month of the year is used to redefine what success means to us and set some new goals for the year ahead. We’d like to share some strategies we’ve used personally that will benefit you all! These tips are meant to serve as inspiration and aren't necessarily a checklist so feel free to pick and choose what works for you. 

One of the first things we think you should do is try asking yourselves:                 💭What does success look like for you and your business?

We believe that the only way you can truly know you reached your goal is by defining what success means to you. The reality is you’ve got to start at the end and work your way back from it. Once you’ve got that in your mind the next thing you  need to do is create mini steps or milestones to help you reach that end goal. You can break down separate those mini steps into different months, weeks or days depending on your timeline.

Being intentional about planning and setting realistic goals for the year is such an important step, you are more likely to follow through if it’s already in your calendar or on your vision board. Having your targets clearly visible to you day in, day out will mean every action you take will be in line with your goals. 

Hopefully this inspires you to do a bit of thinking and to consciously lay out the steps you need to take to make this a successful year for you!

Team Sudor


The Power of Community in Fitness!


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