The benefits of our new tracking feature

If you're serious about achieving your fitness goals, whether it's building muscle, improving strength, or enhancing your endurance, tracking your workouts is an absolute game-changer. While many fitness enthusiasts focus on the exercises themselves, overlooking the importance of tracking reps and weights can hinder progress and leave you feeling lost in your fitness journey. There are numerous benefits of tracking workouts, particularly when it comes to monitoring repetitions and the weight used.

Goal Setting and Progress Tracking

One of the most significant advantages of tracking workouts is the ability to set clear goals and monitor progress. Without a record of previous workouts, it can be challenging to determine whether progress is being made or if a plateau has been hit. By keeping track of the number of repetitions and the weight used, it is easy to identify areas where there is improvement and where adjustments might need to be made to continue progressing.

Motivation and Accountability

Tracking workouts creates a sense of accountability that can be a powerful motivator. When you can see how far you have come and the effort put in, it's easier to stay committed to a fitness routine. Additionally, tracking reps and weights allows achievable short-term goals to be set. For example, if you were lifting 50 pounds for 10 reps last week, you can strive to lift 55 pounds for the same number of reps this week. Achieving these small victories can be incredibly motivating.

Avoid Plateaus and Overtraining

Reaching a plateau is a common challenge. However, when workouts are tracked, identifying when a plateau is hit makes it easier to then make necessary adjustments. Whether it's increasing the weight, changing the number of sets or reps, or altering the exercise selection, having a record of workouts allows informed decisions to be made to break through stagnation without risking overtraining.

Injury Prevention

Overloading muscles or performing exercises with improper form can lead to injuries. By tracking workouts, progression can be maintained in a safe and controlled manner. Knowing the weight used in previous sessions ensures that limits aren’t pushed too quickly, reducing the risk of injury. Furthermore, monitoring form and technique becomes easier when there is a written record to reference.

Personalised Training Plans

When reps and weights are tracked consistently, valuable data is gathered about strength and endurance levels. This information enables you or your personal trainer to create customised workout plans tailored to your specific needs and goals. With a clear understanding of capabilities, training efficiency can be maximised for better results.

Sudor’s tracking

As an online personal trainer or coach, helping your clients to successfully reach their goals can be more challenging than with traditional face to face sessions. At Sudor, we pride ourselves on working closely with our trainers and app owners to deliver new tools to help you succeed. Today, we are incredibly excited to share our brand new tracking functionality!

Sudor’s tracking tool brings additional focus to your clients’ workouts and also increases the likelihood of them not only sticking to your plan, but also managing progressive overload.

Each individual exercise has a weight/rep tracker attached to it, so regardless of what workout they are completing they will be able to check the history of reps & weight for that particular movement pattern e.g. Squats - 40kg, 30 reps.

There’s also space to write notes, potentially including commentary around their rate of perceived exertion (RPE) or any other useful insights into their fitness journey. AND there’s a graph which visually shows progress over time, giving a quick and easy snapshot of their workout history.

In the world of fitness, knowledge is power, and tracking workouts, particularly reps and weights, is an invaluable tool. It empowers your clients to set and achieve goals, stay motivated, avoid plateaus and injuries, and to receive more personalised training plans. Ultimately, it enhances the overall fitness journey of your clients and allows them to experience the transformational benefits of a consistent and well-documented workout routine.

Ultimately incorporating tracking into your online coaching will not only improve the experience for your existing members but also make it easier to attract and retain clients, helping more people to create a meaningful change within their bodies.


Exercise can boost your brain power


Meet our CEO and co-founder, Emma Heap