How To Fall Back In Love With Your Fitness Routine
When it comes to seeing real and long-lasting results from your workout routine, the most important factor isn’t necessarily what type of exercise you’re doing but rather how consistently you’re actually doing it. If your daily movement is starting to feel more like a chore than anything else, chances are you’re not going to stick with it and will likely choose an unhealthy habit like staying home and bingeing series instead. No matter which part of your workout routine you feel is lacking, we’re here to help you feel inspired again!
Much like a good book or a first date, fitness too will only hold your attention for as long as it sparks your interest. Workout trends that promise quick and easy results will always come and go, but it’s the practices that you can incorporate every day that will have tangible and long-lasting effects on your physical and mental health. Feeling bored or uninspired by your current workout routine? It might be time to shake things up! Whether try a new workout class, change your running route or switch from the gym to an online fitness app; finding an exercise routine that you’re excited about doing is the key to staying consistent and committed.
But even the most dedicated athletes whose entire lives revolve around keeping fit and improving their performance, are not going to feel motivated to workout all the time. If you find yourself feeling uninspired, it’s probably time to refocus and redefine your goals. For example, instead of focusing on a particular weight you want to reach, prioritise how you want to feel both physically and emotionally after you exercise. When you shift your attention from the “finish line” or end goal, to the overall process instead; you are more likely to enjoy the journey and stick to the habit - ultimately being the difference between long-term failure and success.
While these gestures may be small, their impact most definitely isn’t! Here are this week’s top 3 ways that we believe will help you show yourself some more love this week.
Detox from social media - unfollow or mute every account or page that doesn’t make you feel uplifted, inspired or good.
Remember to fill your cup too - just for a second, stop and shift the focus from everyone else onto what would make you happy. Write a list of 5 things that will add energy into your day and make sure to incorporate them into your routine as often as possible.
It’s in the name itself… do exactly what “self-love” says and physically write out all the things you love most about who you are as a person. You’ll be amazed at all the beautiful qualities that only YOU possess!
Team Sudor