Challenge Accepted

It’s clear that online training is hugely beneficial both to fitness professionals and their clients. But as with any business, there will always be challenges that you will have to face and overcome too - especially when the environment in which you are operating is completely virtual. 

So, what are some of the unique obstacles that you might encounter when embarking on your online training journey? Don’t worry if you haven’t considered them yet because we have for you! 

Rapport Building: 

One of, if not the most, important aspect of personal training, fostering personal connections with your clients is even more difficult to implement when you are not working with them face-to-face. How then can you build rapport? Making use of available online features is hugely important! Based on our experience we suggest that you schedule one on one virtual sessions, utilise live classes, meticulously detail the descriptions of all workouts and programs for your subscribers to easily follow along to as well as regularly engaging with them via online chat channels. By understanding exactly what your clients need and how they feel, you are far more likely to be able to maintain your rapport with them now and moving forward

Managing Client Progress:

It’s easy to know whether or not your clients are sticking to their program when you’re training them in person. It’s far more difficult however to do so virtually. One way to combat this is by regularly requesting and engaging with your subscribers’ feedback, so that you can accurately ascertain if what you’re offering is actually pushing them towards achieving their health and fitness goals. Creating structured programs and challenges and gathering results from those is also a great way to determine the rate at which your clients are progressing. 

Diminishing User Attention Span:

In a world consumed by Instagram reels, the Internet and TikTok videos - it’s no wonder that people desire their online content to be immediately available and easily digestible. Research suggests that on average people are now only able to sustain their attention for just 8 seconds… And while this may specifically apply to social media, there is no doubt that this will have implications for the app market too. 

While attracting consumers to sign up to your health and fitness app was once the main objective, now more than ever is employing creative tactics which encourage subscribers to remain engaged. From offering free trials, utilising push notifications to stay top-of-mind and providing a user-friendly and reliable interface to avoid subscriber frustration; determining how best to keep your subscribers attention should always be prioritised! 

Team Sudor


From Unknown To Expert


Cracking The Code to Gen Z Fitness