Crack the Code to Consistency
Have you ever struggled to keep up with your fitness routine? Maybe you’ve started off strong - setting goals, buying new workout gear and even time blocking in your calendar when exactly you plan on hitting the gym each day. But somewhere along the way, you just seemed to have lost your motivation. While you know the importance of moving your body consistently, the problem is actually sticking to it.
Good news though, you're not alone!
According to research, the length of time it takes for a new behaviour to become automatic varies anywhere from 18 days to 12 weeks; making more targeted and short-term fitness challenges the perfect solution to help keep your clients accountable and on track. So, are you still unsure of whether or not you should launch one of your own? Leave the convincing to us…
Fitness challenges provide structure
We all know by now that the key to achieving results is consistency. And in order to be consistent in something, you need structure - that’s where fitness challenges come in; providing specific guidelines to help keep your clients focused and progressing towards achieving their fitness goals.
Not only are these ideal for individuals who already incorporate exercise into their daily routines, challenges can also be a powerful tool for your business to utilise in attracting and encouraging those who are looking to move towards a more active lifestyle, without the pressure to continue indefinitely. As more people start to see results from your challenges, you’ll likely inspire not only their own motivation to keep going but potentially them sharing these with other new leads to do the same.
Fitness challenges offer your clients a support system
Have you ever moved to a new country or city and immediately felt like something important was missing? No matter what form it takes, having a strong and sustainable support system is vital for our well-being. And by participating in fitness challenges, your clients will automatically find themselves surrounded by a group of people who not only want to build new and healthy habits of their own but support those around them who want to too. Take the Sudor communities for example, created especially as a space for our trainers’ subscribers to connect and cheer each other on!
Fitness challenges are FUN
Whilst participating in a workout challenge is a great way for your clients to meet new people as well as help them achieve their fitness goals and build healthy habits - they are also just good old fun; making them more likely to commit in the long-term.
Looking for some fitness challenges to join in on? Why not sign up to one of ours!
Pause by Danielle Peazer - 21 Day Wellness Challenge
Pilates With Zoe - Flow For 15 Challenge
SWEAT 1000 - Just Start Beginners Challenge
Bodycamp by Jay Trainz - 14 Day Kickstart Challenge
Team Sudor