You Are Good Enough!

If you’ve yet to hear of the term “imposter syndrome,” then there’s a very good chance (whether you realise it or not) that you will have experienced it nonetheless. We’ve all been there before… You knock it out of the park when giving a presentation at work. You get the promotion and the pay raise. You should feel proud of your achievements, yet somehow there’s still a lingering feeling that the praise you’ve won is underserved. 

Welcome to imposter syndrome - the fear of not being “good enough” is extremely pervasive, especially in this day and age where comparing ourselves to others is so prevalent. Confidence isn’t something that you are born with and it definitely doesn’t happen overnight, but rather it's a muscle that needs to be continually trained. And while it’s normal to have those feelings, it’s time to learn how to be your most confident self once and for al

Start living your life for YOU and not for others: Make sure whatever it is that you are doing, it’s being done because it makes you feel good and not in an attempt to impress anybody else. Confidence comes from knowing what you want and believing that you deserve getting it too. 

Your circle matters more than you think: They say that you are a reflection of who you spend most of your time with, so choose wisely. Whether it is a co-worker, your parents or best friend; surrounding yourself with people who believe in and support you is hugely important in allowing you to foster your own sense of self-acceptance and subsequent self-confidence. 

Stop comparing yourself to others: In the age of the internet and social media, it’s no wonder that comparison is a major confidence wrecker. Whether it’s against someone else’s career, relationship or fitness level; instead of focusing on all the ways in which you think you are “lacking,” try and evaluate whether the comparisons you’re making actually matter to you or if you’re just caught up in the mindset of not being “good enough.” Remember- confidence doesn’t come from an external source, it’s an inside job and if you’re willing to do the work it will always be there with you. 

Team Sudor


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