Why more is not always better...

When it comes to working out, often the biggest barrier for your clients is simply getting started.

Traditional workouts tend to last 45-60 minutes, which can feel intimidating both for newbies and sometimes even for seasoned pros who are lacking in time or motivation.

We have noticed a huge shift within the fitness space towards ‘bitesize’ workouts, with many of our app creators introducing the concept of mini workouts to help motivate and inspire subscribers who have lost their mojo.

There’s been plenty of research into the benefits of shorter workouts; HIIT style training has long been recommended as an efficient way to improve cardiovascular health. More recently, scientists have discovered that short, frequent bursts of resistance training can actually be as effective as longer, more infrequent workouts.

The real crux of the matter is that the most effective workout is the one that actually gets done! So rather than creating programs that include 4-5 hours per week of lengthy workouts, have you thought about a building blocks approach?

Everyone can commit 10 minutes a day to moving their bodies…

  • Create 10 minutes ‘blocks’ of exercises (depending on your preferred training modality you may focus on a particular body part or a movement pattern in each mini workout)

  • Encourage your members to commit to 1 block a day, perhaps each day you can share what block you will be doing!

The likelihood is that once people get over the initial hurdle of getting started, they might tag on another workout block.. Or two… or three, you get the picture!

But by breaking it down like this you are ultimately helping people to move daily, and live healthier, happier lives.

Who doesn’t want a regular dose of your awesome fitness content and the mood boosting benefits of all those exercise-induced endorphins!

Here at Sudor, we always have our eyes peeled for the latest research and trends so that we can help our app creators deliver the best content to their subscribers… Why not book a call today to find out about working with us?

Team Sudor


Stretch out before the burn out!


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