Tired of Feeling Tired?

Self-care looks different for everyone - for some healthy eating is what keeps them energised, whilst for others daily journaling and affirmations might be the key to their day’s success. However, the one key piece of self-care that should be prioritised for everyone? Sleep. 

We all know that sleep is crucial for our health, providing multiple mental and physical benefits. Nonetheless; many of us are still not getting enough of it. It’s not all bad news though! By implementing small and easy changes into your sleep-care routine, you too can be hitting the 8-hour goal each evening.

First and foremost, it’s important to find what works for you. Whether you are a night-owl or an early-bird, what matters most is going to bed and waking up at a consistent time so your body’s internal clock is able to establish a pattern. 

Once you have a set bedtime, the next step is to create a nighttime routine that fully allows you to unwind and let go of the day. No matter what this looks like for you, whether it be having a nice long bath or a cup of tea after putting the kids to bed; find what relaxes you at the end of the day and give your mind and body enough time to decompress before actually trying to fall asleep. 

Whilst you are trying to create a consistent routine, we all know that life itself is not consistent… so it’s important to remain realistic. No-one is going to be perfect 100% of the time, so your goal should always be to strive for a sleep routine that’s not just healthy but one that you can stick to more often than not. Aligning your habits during the day with your nighttime rituals and personalised sleep schedule is what will set you up for success! 


Introducing our new segment where we share our top 3, most treasured ways that we believe will truly help you show yourself some much needed self-love this week. Because there’s no such thing as too much!

Don’t break the promises you make with yourself - and this goes for self-care practices too. Hold yourself accountable for all the workouts before work or putting your phone away an hour before bed. Just as you wouldn’t break a promise you made to a friend, keep these commitments to yourself too! 

Start practising gratitude - simply starting your day by either writing down or saying aloud 5 things that you are grateful for, and watch your mindset completely shift. 

Get some vitamin D - whenever possible try get outside and immerse yourself in nature. Proven to lower stress, blood pressure and heart rate whilst increasing your mood and improving your overall mental health. 

Team Sudor


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