The Rule of 1000

How Big of an Audience Do You Actually Need For Your Online Business To Be Successful?

According to an article written by the founding editor at Wired - in order for a creator to be successful, all they need is 1000 “true fans.” That being anyone who actively buys and promotes your product or service. But the online world is ever-changing, and while numbers are impressive, it’s not always how big your audience is that will dictate your success, but rather how engaged and supportive they are. 

Think about it… we all know an Apple user who would absolutely refuse to switch to Android, or a Strabucks lover who will not get their morning latte from anywhere else. Whilst this type of brand engagement may seem extreme, it just goes to show the positive impact that can be had from building a community of true fans. 

So… what about this idea of having 1000? Does this number still stand true in the year 2023? When it comes to traditional marketing methods, a business usually needs to reach a far larger number of people for them to make sales. Online however, you have a much stronger ability to target your efforts more precisely and expansively. But building a community of loyal supporters doesn’t just happen overnight; it requires time, effort and consistency. With that in mind, where do you start? 

  1. While content creation might be at an all time high, so is content consumption - 

With the rise of digital tools and technology, not only are you now able to connect with more people but there are more platforms which you can utilise to do so. This does also mean that in order to be noticed, creating a niche for your online business is crucial. Know what type of customer you want to attract, then give them a valuable reason to support you! 

  1. Use YOUR experiences to solve THEIR problems -

When it comes to building a brand or business, 9 out of 10 times your ideas will be inspired by your own experiences. Inspiring others however, requires showing how your experiences can help solve their problems. Take Sudor for example, what started as a passion to get the world moving more, is now taking the fitness industry by storm. With our apps, trainers are able to experience the ultimate freedom, flexibility and financial success, whilst at the same time enabling them to share their expertise and scale their business online and globally. 

  1. Community is a non-negotiable -

And having a community of loyal supporters is oftentimes the difference between a business’s failure and success. The key is to move people beyond just wanting to purchase from you, but form a relationship with your brand as well.. Whether you choose to reply to comments , share success stories or in Sudor’s case with our trainers being able to converse with their subscribers during live classes or through our in-app chat function, find a way to connect with your audience that will make them feel like they are connecting with you too. 

100, 1000 or 10,000, the numbers aren’t as important as you think, and you definitely don’t need a huge online following for your business to thrive. What does matter is being able to build up and reach enough people who believe in what you’re doing, so much so that they’re driven to support you no matter what. 

Team Sudor


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